
Kadın / 51 yaşında / Terazi / çevrimiçi!

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Şok edici mastürbasyon sayısı 21


Etnik kökenBeyaz/Kafkas
Dillerİngilizce, Rusça
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Serving the Mistress is not an animal impulse. This is the path of self-knowledge. Only a slave can get freedom. Kneeling in front of her, you're not playing a role. The whole theater is outside your room. Alone with her, you are as sincere as ever. Mistress, by making you her slave, frees you from ego. Frees you from the image that bound you and deprived you of the freedom of life. And this is all her beauty and genius. Realizing this, you serve her with love. You kiss her feet carefully, tenderly, and follow all her wishes, not because you don't want to be punished, but because you are immensely grateful to her. You renounce your will, replacing it with your will, O Lord, in order to merge into one. You are acting as one, striving to achieve the highest state... This is the essence of true art, designed to liberate us.

Daha fazla...

Я люблю щедрых и позитивных людей, с чувством юмора! Кроме того Я - ваша Госпожа, и требую неукоснительного подчинения, если уж вы зашли в мою комнату) К каждому рабу я проявляю свое исключительное отношение, в соответствии с сокровенным его желанием)

I love generous and positive people, with a sense of humor! In addition, I am your Mistress, and I demand strict obedience if you have already entered my room) To each slave I show my exclusive attitude, in accordance with his innermost desire) Welcome,

Hello, welcome to my room!


когда звенят токены))

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when you give me tokens))

когда звенят токены))

when you give me tokens))


жадные и наглые мужчины, будьте вежливы!

Daha fazla...

жадные и наглые мужчины, будьте вежливы!

greedy and arrogant men, be polite!

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