
Kadın / 43 yıl / Terazi

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Çevrimiçi bir kız bul


İsim---N--- (AS_ASS_AS, SQUIRT_ASI, nati8871)
Etnik kökenBeyaz/Kafkas
Dillerİngilizce, Rusça, Ukraynalı
Büstü boyutuBüyük
Kıçın boyutuBüyük
Saç rengiSarışın
Göz rengiKahverengi


touch ....touch me...give me a hug...excite me...

Daha fazla...

Generous and kind men ...care and attention

I'm an appetizing woman. Welcome to my chat.


Стоны мужчины и запах члена...Эмоции...Внимание...Забота... Вибрации Lovense)

Daha fazla...

groans and voice... groans and voice...

Active ... Generous and kind men ... care and attention

стоны и голос...groans and voice...

Emotions... Attention... Care... Vibrations Lovense)


ложь ...обесценивание моего труда...и...если вам нечего бросить к ногам женщины, то ,пожалуйста, сами там не путайтесь...

Daha fazla...

likeness of men with EMPTY words.... if you have nothing to throw at the woman's feet, then at least don't get confused there yourself

extra talk, pictures in chat,coarseness,boorishness,lies ,dirt and rudeness,greedy cheap member

likeness of men with EMPTY words.... if you have nothing to throw at the woman's feet, then at least don't get confused there yourself

lies ... depreciation of my work ... and ... if you have nothing to throw at the feet of a woman, then at least don't get confused there yourself

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