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İsimHotMilfLana (konfetochka)
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Dillerİngilizce, Rusça
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Cheerful,good....with horny fantasies...

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Cheerful,good....with horny fantasies...


«Женщина хочет, чтобы ее любили, чтобы с ней говорили и чтобы одновременно сгорали от страсти к ней. Сдается мне, что любовь и страсть понятия несовместимые». Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

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Желание, страсть...

“A woman wants to be loved, to be spoken to and burned at the same time from a passion for her. It seems to me that love and passion are incompatible concepts. " David Herbert Lawrence

«Женщина хочет, чтобы ее любили, чтобы с ней говорили и чтобы одновременно сгорали от страсти к ней. Сдается мне, что любовь и страсть понятия несовместимые». Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

“A woman wants to be loved, to be spoken to and burned at the same time from a passion for her. It seems to me that love and passion are incompatible concepts. " David Herbert Lawrence


Грубость Хамство Жадность

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Rudeness, greed.. RULES 1. Respect me and my friends in my room and u will be respected by us. 2. for every request there is a tip menu and a topic to fallow 3. If u come in my room and i do a show, please don’t tell me what to me respect and

Хамство,жлобство.. RULES 1. Respect me and my friends in my room and u will be respected by us. 2. for every request there is a tip menu and a topic to fallow 3. If u come in my room and i do a show, please don’t tell me what to m

Хамство,жлобство.. RULES 1. Respect me and my friends in my room and u will be respected by us. 2. for every request there is a tip menu and a topic to fallow 3. If u come in my room and i do a show, please don’t tell me what to me respect and

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