
Kadın / 20 yıl / Koç

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Çevrimiçi bir kız bul


Etnik kökenİspanyol/Latin
Dillerİngilizce, Fransızca, Rusça, İtalyanca
Büstü boyutuKüçük
Kıçın boyutuBüyük
Saç rengiKızıl Saçlı
Göz rengiKahverengi


Hello, I'm Heliza, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Colombia and I'm new here, I hope for your support to be able to fulfill my dreams, in return I will fulfill your fantasies

Daha fazla...

My name is Heliza, I like to be in front of the webcam and delight you with my body and my movements, I always like to meet new people and talk about all the topics, apparently I am a good girl, but don't be fooled I can be very bad if you want it.


Older men turn me on and they whisper in my ear and make my legs tremble, my fantasy is to be with a teacher and provoke him while he teaches class

Daha fazla...

Старшие мужчины возбуждают меня, они шепчутся мне на ухо, и у меня дрожат ноги, моя мечта - быть с учителем и провоцировать его, пока он ведет урок.


Нетерпимый, тот, кто не следует правилам, недобрый. тот, кто не ценит работу.

Daha fazla...

Being intolerant, the one who doesn't follow the rules, the unkind one. the one who does not value work.

Ma turn off rude people, who want everything for free and do not value my work

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