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İsimdamilui (Damilui, YA_HE_DAMILUI)
Etnik kökenAsyalı
Dillerİngilizce, Rusça
Büstü boyutuBüyük
Kıçın boyutuBüyük
Saç rengiKızıl Saçlı
Göz rengiGri


hi) my name is Dasha and I will try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for you. Here you will not see masturbation 24/7, but you will be able to have a lovely chat with a beautiful lady

Daha fazla...

hi) my name is Dasha and I will try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for you. Here you will not see masturbation 24/7, but you will be able to have a lovely chat with a beautiful lady

привет) меня зовут Даша и я постараюсь создать для тебя максимально комфортную атмосферу. Здесь ты не увидишь дрочки 24/7, но зато сможешь прелестно пообщаться с прекрасной дамой

hi) my name is Dasha and I will try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for you. Here you will not see masturbation 24/7, but you will be able to have a lovely chat with a beautiful lady

Hi My name is Milana and I'm a bad girl


Вежливость, ум, понимание, чувство юмора и тактичность Щедрость -KAPC-

Daha fazla...

politeness, intelligence, understanding, sense of humor and tact generosity MephetRa

politeness, intelligence, understanding, sense of humor and tact generosity

politeness, intelligence, understanding, sense of humor and tact generosity

politeness, intelligence, understanding


хамство, попрошайничество, жадность

Daha fazla...

хамство, попрошайничество, жадность

хамство, попрошайничество, жадность

rudeness, begging, greed

rudeness, begging

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