
Kadın / 27 yıl / Kova

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İsimAskaXomova (AsiyaXoma)
Etnik kökenBeyaz/Kafkas
Dillerİngilizce, Rusça
Büstü boyutuBüyük
Kıçın boyutuBüyük
Saç rengiKızıl Saçlı
Göz rengiKahverengi


Hi, my name is Anastasia and thank you for reading my profile! So we can get to know each other better))) I'm a pretty non-standard model) I'm married, have a lot of animals, and have atypical streams! Yes, although I have a couple of depraved and liberated actions in the menu type, but still most of the menu is filled with fun and interesting actions that I can perform! The menu type is constantly updated or changing, and I often stream from my phone and, of course, game streams. Therefore, I will be grateful to you for your support, subscription and communication in our chat)

Daha fazla...

An avid hookah smoker and po dov... I will bring you to the orgasmic tenderness of my facial expressions :3 There is a pit bull dog that can kill anyone with its tongue and saliva!!!! I'm not playing for the audience, I'm playing for myself! a small anime

Заядлый куритель кальяна и подов... Доведу тебя до оргзмического умиления моей мимики :3 Есть собака питбуль, может убить любого своим языком и слюнями!!!! не играю на публику, играю на себя! маленький аниме геймер с заразительным смехом и не маленькой


I am quite embarrassed by compliments, but I am very pleased to receive them) and of course, as for any other girl, I am pleased with generous men who do not believe that webcam is one masturbation and all the girls here are "easy behavior"

Daha fazla...

Я довольно сильно смущаюсь комплиментов, но мне очень приятно их получать) ну и конечно же как и для любой другой девушки, мне приятны щедрые мужчины, которые не считают, что вебкам это одна дрочка и все девушки тут "легкого поведения"

It's exciting when a person can listen and support a conversation. Pale skin, a hooked nose, humor in the subject and, of course, food

Возбуждает то, когда человек может слушать и поддержать разговор. Бледная кожа, нос с горбинкой, юмор в тему и конечно же еда

Я люблю внимание как девушек, так и мужчин! Больше всего возбуждаюсь, когда на меня смотрят множество людей и получают удовольствие от этого! Возбуждает то, когда человек может слушать и поддержать разговор. Бледная кожа, нос с горбинкой, юмор в тему и


I don't like people who come to laugh at my hobby... when they ask for something for free, because every work, whatever it is, should be encouraged! After all, I am the same person as you, for me it is not only a hobby and hobbies, but also a job! Let's respect your and my wishes and time❤️

Daha fazla...

I don't like degraded people who are obsessed only with jerking off and scammers, and also lazy amoebas...

I don't like people who only ask for a gift, boors, impudents and scammers!

I don't like degraded people who are obsessed only with jerking off and scammers, and also lazy amoebas...

I don't like people who come to laugh at my hobby... when they ask for something for free, because every work, whatever it is, should be encouraged! After all, I am the same person as you, for me it is not only a hobby and hobbies, but also a job! Let's

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