
Kadın / 25 yıl / İkizler

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Colombia, Cali
Etnik kökenİspanyol/Latin
Büstü boyutuBüyük
Kıçın boyutuBüyük
Saç rengiEsmer
Göz rengiKahverengi


I am a simple girl who wants to enjoy and I love cats very much.😈🐱

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I am a simple girl who wants to enjoy and I love cats very much.😈🐱 ✨

I am a simple girl who wants to enjoy and I love cats very much.😈🐱 ✨


I really like that they treat me well, that they are kind and gentlemanly, although I never rule out that from time to time I find myself in a wilder mood.😈🔥

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I really like that they treat me well, that they are kind and gentlemanly, although I never rule out that from time to time I find myself in a wilder mood.😈🔥 ✨

I really like that they treat me well, that they are kind and gentlemanly, although I never rule out that from time to time I find myself in a wilder mood.😈🔥 ✨


I don't like being given orders and told what to do without having my trust or my permission.❌

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I don't like being given orders and told what to do without having my trust or my permission.❌ ✨

I don't like being given orders and told what to do without having my trust or my permission.❌ ✨

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